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Head & body length: 49.1 cm (40 – 59.1 cm)

Tail length: 26.4 cm (20.4 – 32 cm)

Body mass: 2.4 kg (1.75 – 3.5 kg)

The southern tiger cat is the other species of the “tigrinus complex” from Brazil. Only in 2013 it was shown to in fact comprise a different species. It is closely associated to the highly threatened and fragmented Atlantic Forest domain, and also occurs in the threatened savannas of central south-Brazil. PWCB has shown that it is very rare or absent where ocelots are common.


Head & body length: 58.1 cm (43 – 69.1 cm)

Tail length: 32.1 cm (24 – 36.5 cm)

Body mass: 3.9 kg (2 – 6 kg)

More characteristic of temperate and sub-tropical South America, in Brazil Geoffroy’s cats are found only in the southernmost part of the country. Where ocelots are not found, this cat becomes the most abundant species. It is displaying a very broad habitat flexibility than previously though, as our telemetry and camera trapping data are showing.


Head & body length: 53.6 cm (46 – 62 cm)

Tail length: 37.6 cm (30 – 48.3 cm)

Body mass: 3.3 kg (2.3 – 4.9 kg)

The margay has exceptional arboreal abilities, but hunts mostly on the ground. Although it is closely associated to forested habitats, PWCB recorded it in the semi-arid Caatinga scrub. In the Amazon, it tends to be the second most frequent cat, after the ocelot. Telemetry data are also showing very interesting information on the species’ ecology.


Head & body length: 77.3 cm (67 – 101.5 cm)

Tail length: 35.4 cm (30 – 44.5 cm)

Body mass: 11 kg (8 -15.1 kg)

The largest of the small Neotropical cats, is also the most abundant of them all, in every biome of Brazil where it occurs, whether pristine or disturbed. Data from PWCB have shown that ocelots dominate and influence the numbers of the other smaller Neotropical felids where they occur together. This ecological phenomenon is known as the "ocelot effect".


Head & body length: 63.7 cm (48.8 – 77.5 cm)

Tail length: 41.9 cm (27.5 – 59 cm)

Body mass: 5.2 kg (3 – 7.6 kg)

Jaguarundis are the multi-colored cats of the Neotropics, coming in different shades of colors. It is not abundant as originally perceived. Data from PWCB are showing it to be much less frequent than most other small cats, although it could be more easily seem due to its diurnal habits and use more open habitats.

Taxonomically it is called either as Puma yagouaroundi or as Herpailurus yagouaroundi. The latter form being currently considered by the IUCN/SSC/Cat Specialist Group.


Head & body length: 63.7 cm (48.8 – 77.5 cm)

Tail length: 41.9 cm (27.5 – 59 cm)

Body mass: 5.2 kg (3 – 7.6 kg)

​The northern tiger cat is one of the species of the “tigrinus complex”. It is more closely related to the open and critical habitats of the Brazilian savannas and semi-arid Caatinga, but is also found in forests. PWCB has shown that the species is extremely rare in the Amazon, where its occurrence might be very patchy.


Head & body length: 52.2 cm (42.3 – 63 cm)

Tail length: 27.9 cm (22 – 33 cm)

Body mass: 3.5 kg (3 – 4 kg)

PWCB found Pampas cats where the species was not known to occur in the northern savannas, expanding considerably its known distribution range. Pampas cats seem to be rare, but could be locally frequent at some sites. It might as well be part of a species complex with the other Pampas cats populations of temperate South America.

Instituto Pró-Carnívoros Av. Horácio Neto, 1030 - Parque Edmundo Zanoni - Atibaia/ SP

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